How to assign VRA

There are several ways to create a variable rate application (VRA) in the application:

  1. Open the required field, go to the Zones Map section, then select a map, open the action menu, and click the Assign rates item:

2. Or you can switch to the Zones Maps table and click the Assign Rates button next to the required map:

On clicking the Assign Rates button, you will see the following screen:

Here you can specify the following details for VRA:

  • Purpose (General, Spraying, Seeding, Fertilizing, Irrigation)

  • The product you want to apply (or several products)

  • Rates for each zone

  • Price per Unit

Once you have specified all the details, click Save to save the Zones map with the applied rates.

Use the Export module to export a VRA map ready for uploading into machinery.

Last updated

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