81. Query: Get GeoJSON of "EquationMap"

Get GeoJSON of "EquationMaps" filtered by equationMapUuids.

The attribute equationMapGeojson contains GeoJSON with the Polygons or MultyPolygons including the geospatial feature attributes like id, value and area in the defined units.

Key details:

  • Parameter asMultiGeometry: true means that the Polygons ("Equation Map" cells) will be merged into MultiPolygons based on the value attribute of every "Equation Map" cell.

  • The output area can be configured using the unit parameter. Available options: ACRES, HECTARES, SQUARE_METERS

query GetEquationMapGeometries {
  getFields (filter: {fieldUuid: "<placeholder_of_farm_uuid>"}) {
    fields {
      equationMaps(equationMapUuids: ["<placeholder_of_equationmap_uuid>"]) {
        equationMapGeojson(unit: HECTARES, asMultiGeometry: true)        

If geometries are not requested (only attributes are required), then there is attributesJson instead of equationMapGeojson to use.

query GetEquationMapAttributes {
  getFields (filter: {fieldUuid: "<placeholder_of_farm_uuid>"}) {
    fields {
      equationMaps(equationMapUuids: ["<placeholder_of_equationmap_uuid>"]) {
        attributesJson(unit: HECTARES, asMultiGeometry: true)        

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