50. Query: Get Gridded Data from "VectorAnalysisMap"

Query to get gridded data from the "VectorAnalysisMap" as GEOJSON with points or GEOTIFF. The properties attribute contains the original data (like index value) per point.

1. Request a file to export

Recommended retrieving only a single dataset with sourceDataUrl per request.

NoBuffer, PlusOnePixel, PlusTwoPixels, MinusOnePixel, and MinusTwoPixels are available as a buffer.

GEOJSON and GEOTIFF are available as a format.

query GetGriddedDataFromVectorAnalysisMap {
  getFarms(farmUuids: ["<placeholder_of_farm_uuid>"]) {
    fields(fieldUuids: ["<placeholder_of_field_uuid>"]){
      vectorAnalysisMaps(vectorAnalysisMapUuids: ["<placeholder_of_zonesmap_uuid>"]) {
        sourceDataUrl(format: GEOJSON buffer: PlusTwoPixels)

2. Download the generated file

After the successful preparation of the file, it is possible to download it using curl or a similar approach.

sourceDataUrl link is accessible for only 60 sec.

curl '<sourceDataUrl>' --compressed >> '<local_filepath>'

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