QGIS: Yield Data Manipulations
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Manual with step-by-step description to resolve the following troubles with data from yield monitor:
Missed projection file (.prj) in shapefile
Apply conversion rules for every attribute in shapefile (based on kb/ha to bu/ac sample)
The software to utilize is QGIS (LINK).
Downloading and installation are mandatory.
Open shapefile with yield data. Move the file inside the QGIS window.
The shapefile becomes available for further manipulations in the Layers block.
Start saving process
Do the right mouse button and click at the shapefile
Choose Export -> Save Feature As ...
Format -> ESRI Shapefile,
Filename -> click … and select the preferred directory and filename,
CRS -> EPSG:4326
Encoding -> UTF8
Add saved file to map (optional if you want to see it directly in QGIS)
Geometry type -> Point
Click Ok
An additional shapefile with the same yield data is created. The projection file (.prj) was added.
Do the right mouse button click on the shapefile and choose Open Attribute Table
Click Open field calculator
Create a new field
Mark Create a new field
Enter Output field name -> DryYieldBu
Choose Output field type -> Decimal number (real)
Change Precision -> 4
Put rule to convert kg/ha to bu/ac -> "Dry_Yield" * 0.0149
Click Ok
Additional DryYieldBu attribute has appeared in the table
Save the changes
Do the right mouse button click on the interested shapefile
Choose Toggle Editing
Confirm saving the changes
The interested shapefile is not marked with Pencil anymore. The data in the shapefile was updated.