8. Export Rx Maps to John Deere Operations Center as Work Plans
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Check that GeoPard has enough Access Rights to create Work Plans at the John Deere Operations Center. Visit https://app.geopard.tech/#/user/integrations/jd and check the message. If it exists then the GeoPard <> John Deere connection has to be updated.
We have observed that the changes are applied only after the re-login into John Deere Operations Center (1) and re-login in GeoPard (2).
To double-check that GeoPard has sufficient access rights, please navigate to the "Setup" > "Team" page (or https://team.deere.com/) and ensure that the "Work" access level is set to 2.
The tutorial provides an in-depth explanation of the main features of GeoPard's integration with the John Deere Work Planer.
A detailed overview of each step in the process is presented in the following paragraphs.
To export Rx Map (ZonesMap with assigned Rates) the following conditions of the ZonesMap should be met:
A ZonesMap should have assigned Rates.
A Field should be synchronized with John Deere Operations Center: either imported from John Deere Operations Center or exported into it.
Export Rx Map into the John Deere Operations Center as a Work Plan by clicking on the drop-down menu.
Then you will enter the Work Plan Configuration mode, where you can define the type of Work Plan to create (1), select the GeoPard maps to include (2), and assign Products (3).
There are two types of Work Plans: Seeding and Application. If you want to combine seeding and fertilizing operations using different Rx Maps, you can add multiple maps within the Seeding type.
The list of Products is retrieved from the John Deere Operations Center. Therefore, Crop Varieties, Fertilizers, Chemicals (including Tank Mix), and Blend Mix should be preconfigured there in advance.
Select Products and Units from the associated dropdowns.
If there are no Products in the selected application type, GeoPard will prompt you to add them in the John Deere Operations Center.
Click the Export button to send the configured Work Plan to the John Deere Operations Center.
Clicking the Go to Work Plan button you will be directly redirected to the just created Work Plan in the John Deere Operations Center.
The newly exported Work Plan can also be found in the John Deere Operations Center on the Work Planner page.
A common request is to use a single ZonesMap for multiple operations, such as applying various products. The integration between GeoPard and the John Deere Operations Center supports this functionality. Detailed step-by-step guidance is provided in the following paragraphs.
To export any Rx Map (ZonesMap with assigned Rates) the following conditions of the ZonesMap should be met:
A ZonesMap should have assigned Rates, with more than one product for our case.
A Field should be synchronized with John Deere Operations Center: either imported from John Deere Operations Center or exported into it.
Here is an Rx Map: a ZonesMap with both Product1 and Product2 assigned.
Let's begin exporting the ZonesMap into MyJohnDeere as a Work Plan. The most important step is to select the same ZonesMap twice, each time with a different assigned product. As mentioned earlier, Product1 and Product2 were assigned in the previous step.
After clicking Export, the Work Plan will be created and sent to MyJohnDeere. A direct link will be provided. It is mandatory to click this link and finalize the product assignments in MyJohnDeere.
On the Work Plan page, it is required to select the appropriate attribute from the existing options to link the John Deere product with the RxMap product. In the example below, seeding rates are located in the Product1 column.
Next, run the selection process for Product2.
The final results will appear as shown below. Please do not forget to click the Save button afterward.