🚜John Deere Operations Center Integration

GeoPard has the best-in-class bi-directional automated integration with the John Deere Operations Center.

connected.geopard.tech Portal Overview, Free Trial

If you have a John Deere Operations Center account, you can effortlessly integrate it with GeoPard to unlock additional features and benefits. To get started, head over to connected.geopard.tech and sign up for a free trial, which includes 100 hectares (250 acres) of coverage, by clicking the "Login with JohnDeere" button.

Once you've created your account, you can easily connect your MyJohnDeere Organizations and synchronize essential data, such as field information, harvesting data, as-applied, as-planted, and tillage records. Additionally, you can create prescription maps, and send imagery, topography, and soil data directly to the John Deere Operations Center, further enhancing your farming operations.

If you prefer to use app.geopard.tech, you can still enjoy the same level of integration with John Deere Operations Center. However, please note that the free trial offer is not available in this case.

By integrating GeoPard with your John Deere Operations Center account, you can harness the power of both platforms to optimize your farming operations and make more informed decisions based on comprehensive, up-to-date data.

Schematic Overview of the Integration

Functions Supported by the Automated Bi-directional Integration

  1. Import from MyJohnDeere Operations Center into GeoPard

    • Field Boundaries

    • Operation Maps

      • Seeding (As-Planted)

      • As-applied: Application of applied fertilizers/crop protection/growth regulators

      • GrainSensing data, including Protein & Oil content from John Deere HarvestLabβ„’ 3000

      • Manure data

      • Harvesting

      • Tillage

      • The Complete Historical Archive

  2. Export from GeoPard into John Deere Operations Center

    • VRA maps as Work Plans for

      • Rx Seeding

      • Rx Fertilizer (coming)

      • Crop Protection (coming)

      • Plant Growth Regulators (coming)

    • VRA maps as Files for

      • Rx Seeding

      • Rx Fertilizer

      • Crop Protection

      • Plant Growth Regulators

    • Management Zones (ex. Field Potential Maps)

    • LIDAR or GPS data based Topography maps

    • Soil Maps from sampling or scanning (Electrical Conductivity, Veris/EM38/DualEM, SoilOptix, TopSoilMapper).

    • Satellite images with RBG, NIR, and Contrast/Exaggerated Vegetation from Landsat, Sentinel, and Planet providers

    • Equation-based analytics; more details about NUE, ROI maps, Target vs Applied calculation

  3. Automated Data Synchronization The following capabilities can be configured one by one at the John Deere Integration page in GeoPard.

    • GeoPard continuously listens to newly collected Operation Maps: it automatically downloads and links them to the existing field boundaries. Among the traceable Operation Maps, there are Seeding, Application, Harvesting, and Tillage.

    • GeoPard pushes all changes of Field Boundaries that the user made back to the Ops Center.

    • GeoPard sends Topography Maps, Soil Maps from samples and scanners, Management Zones, and Equation Maps as visual Map Layers to the John Deere Operations Center.

  4. Data Connection with Climate FieldView It includes near real-time data exchange between GeoPard and FieldView through John Deere Operations Center. GeoPard collects Operations stored in FieldView including the historical archive and sends Field Boundaries and VRA Maps.

Last updated

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