17. Satellite Image: cropped by Field boundary and custom color schema

Satellite Image, precisely cropped based on defined Field boundaries, is available for various views such as RGB, NIR, EVI2, LAI, NDVI, GNDVI, IPVI, GCI, SAVI, OSAVI, NDWI, WDRVI, NDMI, MCARI, etc including related contrast representations. The output Satellite Images are not pixelated and provide a clear visualization of the data.

In addition to this precise cropping, GeoPard allows for the customization of color schemes. This feature can be applied to both the cropped and contrast representations of vegetation indexes, offering additional versatility in data visualization.

For instance, a new color scheme can be applied directly via extending env variable with c1:%231b7837%3Bc2:%23ffffbf%3Bc3:%23af8dc3. In this value, %23 represents the # symbol, and %3b stands for the ; symbol.

Several examples are provided to illustrate the customization of color schemes for both cropped and contrast NDVI views, showcasing the flexibility of our color adjustment features.

The urls provided below are intended solely for explanatory purposes. For accurate and operational use, urls should be sourced from the geoMaps object. They can be modified using specific attributes, offering further flexibility in managing geospatial data.

NDVI: contrast VS contrast with corrected color schema

The request format is https://api.geopard.tech/geo/map/reflect?TRANSPARENT=true&SRS=EPSG:900913&HEIGHT=1024&BBOX=<minX,minY,maxX,maxY>&TIME=2022-07-20T10:15:26Z&CQL_FILTER=uuid=%27<planet_image_uuid>%27&VIEWPARAMS=uuid:<field_uuid>&env=v1:0.740%3Bv2:0.835%3Bv3:0.904%3Bc1:%23af8dc3%3Bc2:%23ffffbf%3Bc3:%231b7837&LAYERS=agri:planetscope_ndvi_and_field&geopardApiKey=<geopardApiKey>.

NDVI: original VS original with corrected color schema

The request format is https://api.geopard.tech/geo/map/reflect?TRANSPARENT=true&SRS=EPSG:900913&HEIGHT=1024&BBOX=<minX,minY,maxX,maxY>&TIME=2022-07-20T10:15:26Z&CQL_FILTER=uuid=%27<planet_image_uuid>%27&VIEWPARAMS=uuid:<field_uuid>&LAYERS=agri:planetscope_ndvi_and_field&env=c1:%23008837%3Bc2:%23a6dba0%3Bc3:%23f7f7f7%3Bc4:%23c2a5cf%3Bc5:%237b3294&geopardApiKey=<geopardApiKey>.

Explanation of the URL parameters

Where the input attributes are:

  1. VIEWPARAMS=uuid:<field_uuid> contains the uuid of the "Field";

  2. CQL_FILTER=uuid=%27<planet_image_uuid>%27 contains the uuid of the Satellite Image delivered by Planet, this parameter is not required for Sentinel2 and Landsat providers;

  3. TIME=2022-07-20T10:15:26Z has the data of the satellite image in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ (url encoded) and located in the "FieldSatelliteImagery" entity with acquisitionDate attribute;

  4. BBOX=<minX,minY,maxX,maxY> contains the bounding box (url encoded) of the "Field" in EPSG:3857 or EPSG:900913 projection;

  5. WIDTH=1024 reflects the output image size in pixels (the precise number is important only if it is used as a thumbnail);

  6. geopardApiKey=<geopard_api_key> is coupled to the authorization option via API Key;

  7. LAYERS=agri:planetscope_ndvi_and_field reflects the style for the Satellite Image provided by Planet, this parameter depends on the provider like Sentinel2 and Landsat.

Last updated

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