8. Download Original Data

The following diagram outlines the process for fetching the original (as it was uploaded) data of SoilDataset, AsAppliedDataset, and YieldDataset.

The workflow commences with the selection of a specific dataset for export. Following this, the creation of an originDataUrl is triggered (Request 2 or R2). Unlike the gridded format represented by sourceDataUrl, the original data of the dataset is available in originDataUrl. Once this URL is generated, the API consumer can directly download the file associated with this URL (Request 3 or R3).

Documentation for SoilDataset: Request 1 or R1, Request 2 or R2. Documentation for AsAppliedDataset: Request 1 or R1, Request 2 or R2. Documentation for YieldDataset: Request 1 or R1, Request 2 or R2.

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