89. Mutation: Export ZonesMap as Zipped ISOXML

Generate a zip archive with the selected "ZonesMap" as ISOXML .

To convert a ZonesMap with rates into ISOXML, the following conditions must be met: (1) the ZonesMap must have at least one product with selected units, and (2) the ZonesMap type must be specified as one of the following: Seeding, Spraying, Fertilizing, or Irrigation.

Multiple ISOXML Application maps can be exported for the selected field using applicationMaps >> uuids and/or equationMaps >> uuids.

1. Preparation

  • The attribute applicationMaps contains an array of ZonesMaps (VectorAnalysisMaps) with rates objects to be exported. Each such object includes a pair of fieldUuid (linkage to the selected Field) and uuids (linkage to the selected ZonesMaps with assigned rates).

  • The attribute equationMaps contains an array of EquationMaps to be exported. Each such object includes a pair of fieldUuid (linkage to the selected Field) and uuids (linkage to the selected EquationMaps).

  • The attribute archiveName holds the name of the generated zip archive.

  • The attribute filePostfix allows for custom postfixes to be added to the exported files and archive.

mutation exportIsoXml {
    input: {
      equationMaps: [
  ) {

2. Download the generated archive

After execution of the GraphQL query, it is possible to download it using curl or a similar approach.

curl '<archiveUrl>' --compressed >> '<archiveUrl>'

The archive with ISOXML consists of GridType1, GridType2, and Vector representations.

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