Release Web January 2023

We're excited to present Release January 2023: This update focuses on enhancing GeoPard's integration with John Deere, speeding up satellite image rendering, and improving data compatibility.

[FTR] Show shared fields and fields border on the map view

[FTR] Change the name of the JohnDeere archive

[FTR] Client from JohnDeere set as label

[FTR] JohnDeere: Make one zip for one shp

[FTR] Add the link to the blog about GeoPard Import & Export data compatibility


[FTR] Publish raster granules: speed up performance

[FTR] GeoPard<>JohnDeere<>Climate - import by subscription - backend (add logic to be-lambda-vendor-integration to add/remove subscription)

[FTR] GeoPard<>JohnDeere<>Climate: import datasets by subscription

[FTR] JohnDeere: Connected Data Subscription Service (WebHook)

[FTR] Legend for contrast view

[FTR] Limit list of labels in fields list and zones list tables

[FTR] Release the latest changes to a client White label dev environment

[FTR] Satellite contrast image control

[FTR] SatImage filter: show or hide duplicated images

[FTR] Use full attributes for topography

[FTR] Use labels from the parent organizations owner account to search fields

[DEV] Refactor features for better Whitelabel support

[DEV] Refactor webpack configuration file

[DEV] Handle "force change password" status

[DEV] Navigation issues on Prod

[DEV] Remove AbortController from UploadDataSlice state

[DEV] Remove farm select from asset upload tabs

[DEV] Remove VAMAP with ERROR Status

[DEV] Shared Fields Display test

[BUG] Remove 'стСрлингов' from the name of the mass measure

[BUG] Planet image order failed

[BUG] Planet image ordered last week - not visualized

[BUG] Planet Scope rendering of the images ISSUES

[BUG] Field is not shown after the Yield data upload

[BUG] Cannot read properties error appears when navigating to the second page of the Zones Maps table

[BUG] 'ac' units instead of 'Π°ΠΊΡ€' for DeltaArea parameter for RU and UKR locals

[BUG] 3d map can't be created for a particular field

[BUG] 3d map is not rendered Info acc

[BUG] A page with available zones analysis is not loaded when cloning a zone map

[BUG] After "Recommended images" is clicked new imagery is not rendered

[BUG] App crashes if go from mapView during legend loading

[BUG] Attribute is not selected automatically while creating a zone map

[BUG] Can't create Equation based analysis

[BUG] Change sorting comparator for dataset attributes

[BUG] Error when adding a pin with a photo on a Zones Map

[BUG] Error when making a Cross-layer analysis

[BUG] Export source data as GeoTIFF as GEOJSON postfix in the name of the file

[BUG] Extra characters <0> in the text when exporting files to JohnDeere in RU and UKR locals

[BUG] Field selection is not available on the Zones Map page

[BUG] Fix errors in the console after the Field legend opens

[BUG] FullAttributes mapping for cut attributes case

[BUG] Investigate autosuggest issues on the login page

[BUG] It's not possible to renew the subscription from UI

[BUG] Logging via Google does not work on Dev

[BUG] Minified React error and Oops error on UI when opening the "Exports >> To My JohnDeere" page in Nederlands local

[BUG] Multi-layer analytics, wrap list of images. Weight should be visible

[BUG] Multiple farm name results in the search field

[BUG] Multiple label display on the Manage Labels popup

[BUG] Not all files are exported to JohnDeere when using multi export

[BUG] Not possible to add a new pin on a map

[BUG] Not possible to save changes made in a zones map - no Save button

[BUG] Order Planet Fails

[BUG] Overlap of polygons in zones

[BUG] Pins are not saved on the Desktop (both Dev and Prod)

[BUG] Resource Not found error after planet images were ordered

[BUG] Select image controls do not work while cloning a map

[BUG] Shared fields are not shown on the map

[BUG] Topography images are not displayed showing an error in the Console

[BUG] Unable to connect JohnDeere account from WL JohnDeere

[BUG] User can see fields of farms not shared with him

[BUG] Valid field is not opened after Field in the Unsupported region clicked

[BUG] Zones and Pixels do not show data on the Equation map

Last updated