5. Export Rx Maps to John Deere Operations Center as Files
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Powered by GeoPard Agriculture - Automated precisionAg platform
4. Export to John Deere Operations Center
4.1 Customers of GeoPard have an opportunity to export data (Rx VRA prescriptions or other data layers) from GeoPard to John Deere Operations Center. The first step is to go to the Export to MyJohnDeere (https://app.geopard.tech/#/export/to-my-john-deere) tab.
4.2 User should select a destination organization that GeoPard will use to upload files. User has an opportunity of searching by text. If the John Deere organization is disabled (the name has grey color), then the User should add access to John Deere Operations Center, look at Connecting GeoPard profile to the John Deere organization.
4.3 Then the User selects assets that GeoPard will upload to the John Deere Operations Center.
4.4 User has an opportunity to filter assets.
4.5 When all assets are selected, the User can upload all assets by clicking on the Export All button or the User can upload single assets by clicking on the Export button.
4.6 After clicking, the user will see a message about the result of the operation.
4.7 Then the User should see the result in John Deere Operations Center (https://files.deere.com). Be attentive to organizations that the User selects in GeoPard Agriculture and John Deere Operations Center.
4.8 Customers of GeoPard have an opportunity to export Zones Maps(Rx VRA prescriptions) and Equation Maps to John Deere Operations Center from the Field tab.
4.8.1 After selecting Zones Map, User should click Export to MyJohnDeere from the corresponding menu.
4.8.2 After selecting Equation Map, User should click Export to MyJohnDeere from the corresponding menu.
4.8.3 Then the User selects a destination John Deere organization, that GeoPard will use to upload a file. User has an opportunity of searching by text. If the John Deere organization is disabled (the name has grey color), then the User should add access to John Deere Operations Center, and look at Connecting GeoPard profile to the John Deere organization.
4.8.4 After clicking the Done button, the user will see a message about the result of the operation.
4.8.5 Then the user should see the result in John Deere Operations Center (https://files.deere.com). Be attentive to organizations that the User select in GeoPard Agriculture and John Deere Operations Center.
4.9 Customers of GeoPard have an opportunity to export Zones Maps (Rx VRA prescriptions) to John Deere Operations Center from the Zones Maps tab.
4.9.1 The User has an opportunity to export a single Zones Map by clicking the corresponding export button.
4.9.2 The User has an opportunity to export multiple Zones Maps by clicking the corresponding export button and selecting items.
4.9.3 After clicking the Export button, the User will see the Export the Zones maps popup, then the user should select Export Zones to MyJohnDeere Ops Center option and click the Export button.
4.9.4 Then the User selects a destination John Deere organization, that GeoPard will use to upload a file. User has an opportunity of searching by text. If the John Deere organization is disabled (the name has grey color), then the User should add access to John Deere Operations Center, look at Connecting GeoPard profile to the John Deere organization.
4.9.5 After clicking the Done button, the User will see a message about the result of the operation.
4.9.6 Then the User should see the result in John Deere Operations Center (https://files.deere.com). Be attentive to organizations that the User selects in GeoPard Agriculture and John Deere Operations Center.